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Form Follows Experience in Bioprocess Design


Form Follows Experience in Bioprocess Design

When American architect Louis Sullivan famously proclaimed that “form should follow function” in 1896, I’m sure he had no idea of how this statement would impact the world of design and architecture forever. Sullivan was referencing his idea that a building should serve a greater purpose. Ultimately that purpose should dictate how the building should be designed. This was a revolutionary idea at the time as traditionally the job of a well-trained architect was to make sure that buildings adhered to the distinct style it was designed to replicate. The function of the building was of less importance as long as it “looked the part.” While traditional classical architects reviled this statement, modern architects embraced it and it would be the rallying cry for modernist design for a generation of young designers and would change the face of architecture and design way into the 20th and 21st century. At this time the industrial revolution was just getting going. Large scale manufacturing was still in its infancy. How could he possibly know that his statements would impact not only residential design and urban development but manufacturing for the next 100 years?

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